Jobs In National Refinery Limited (NRL)

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National Refinery Limited ( NRL ) Company Profile:

National Refinery Limited ( NRL ) was incorporated on August 19, 1963 as a public limited company. Government of Pakistan took over the management of NRL under the Economic Reforms Order, 1972 under the Ministry of Production, which was exercising control through its shareholding in State Petroleum Refining and Petrochemical Corporation (PERAC).

The Government of Pakistan had decided to place the National Refinery Limited under the administrative control of Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Resources in November 1998.


In June 2003 the Government of Pakistan decided to include NRL in its privatisation programme. The selling of 51% equity and transfer of management control to a strategic investor had been proposed accordingly, the due diligence process for the privatisation was initiated. After competitive bidding NRL was acquired by Attock Group in July 2005. The Company has been privatised and the management control handed over to the new owner Attock Group on July 7, 2005.

Business activities and refinery’s overviewNRL is engaged in the manufacturing, production and sale of large range of petroleum products. The refinery complex of the Company comprises of three refineries i.e. two lube refineries and one fuel refinery having a total crude oil refining capacity of 24,570,000 Bbl per annum which corresponds to 70,000 Bbls/day. Two Lube refineries process reduced crude to produce LBO, Bitumen, Wax and other specialty products. Details of the different plants are given below:

First Lube Refinery:Designed and constructed by SNAM PROGETTI of Italy with a capacity to process 3,976,500 Bbl per annum of crude oil and to produce 533,400 Bbl per annum of LBO was commissioned in June 1966. This refinery also produces fuel, asphalt and specialty oils. After revamp of Two-Stage Distillation Unit in September 2020 the crude oil processing capacity has been increased from 12,050 barrel per stream day (bpsd) to 17,000 bpsd corresponding to 5,967,000 Bbls per annum and vaccum fractionation capacity from 5,200 bpsd to 6,600 bpsd.

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Hydro skimming Fuel Refinery:Designed and constructed by Industrial Export Import (IEI) of Romania with a capacity to process 11,385,000 Bbl per annum of crude oil was commissioned in April 1977. Its capacity was increased to 16,500,000 Bbl per annum in February 1990. The fuel products consist of LPG, Naphtha, Motor Gasoline, Kerosene, Jet fuels, Diesel and Furnace Oil. After second Revamp in March 2017, the capacity was increased to 18,603,000 Bbl per year.

As directed by MOE (PD), NRL commissioned UOP licensed Diesel Hydrotreater Unit having capacity to process 29,765 BPSD of HSD to improve it to Euro II specifications. The plant has a capacity to reduce sulphur content in HSD to as low as 10 PPM. In October 2017, the Company has successfully commissioned Isomerization Unit having capacity to produce 6,793 BPSD of Isomerate.

Second Lube Refinery:Designed by CE Lummus of UK and constructed by Industrial Export Import (IEI) of Romania, second lube refinery was commissioned in January 1985. It has a designed capacity of 700,000 Bbl per annum of LBO and 100,000 tons per annum of asphalt. A lube revamp project undertaken with the technical assistance of Exxon Mobil has been commissioned thereby enhancing LBO production capacity to 805,000 Bbl per annum.

BTX (petrochemical) Plant:Designed and constructed by Nordon ET Cie of France with a capacity to produce 180,000 Bbl per annum of BTX, the plant was commissioned in April 1979. This plant produces Benzene, Toluene and Xylene for the specialty chemicals market.

Status of CompanyUnder Third Schedule of the Companies Act, 2017 the Company falls under the classification of Public Interest Company.

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Human Resource

Petroleum Refining involves complex and hazardous operations, therefore, a high degree of skill and efficiency is required for its safe operation. In order to meet this requirement, freshly qualified professional degree holders are employed as Trainees under a Management Trainees Scheme. The duration of Training is normally one year which may be increased or decreased depending upon performance of the Trainee during training. Initially, the Trainees are acquainted with theoretical concepts involved in Petroleum Refining and then they are deputed to different functional areas for practical training. The lectures on theoretical concepts are delivered by professionals working in Refinery having extensive experience besides possessing professional degree in the relevant field. The Trainees are periodically evaluated to gauge their level of knowledge and skill attained and accordingly their training program is reviewed and also revised if necessary.

Similarly, there is an Apprenticeship scheme whereby professional Diploma Holders and Intermediates in Science are provided Training in Refinery Operations and Maintenance. The duration of training in this scheme is 2 years for Diploma Holders and 3 years for Intermediates.

Besides training of fresh professionals, the professionals already working in NRL are also provided training in order to update their knowledge with the latest developments in their field by conducting Continuing Professional Development Programs.


Human Resource is the most valuable asset of Refinery as professionals trained in Refinery Operations and Maintenance are not easily available. The human resource consists of Management and Non-Management staff and their total present strength is more than 1,000.

In order to meet their genuine needs for maintaining good living standard and good health, there are various benefit schemes besides Salary, notable among those are: –

  • Medical Assistance for Self and Family
  • Leave Fare Assistance
  • Children’s Education Scholarship for Workmen
  • Car Loan (Interest Free)
  • Club Membership for Managers and above
  • Hajj on Company expenses for Workmen
  • Housing Assistance Scheme (Interest Free)
  • Pension and Gratuity
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